I made my own Julian Opie style portrait using Adobe Photoshop. This allowed me to become more familiar with this program and to advance my skills in using photoshop. The tools which i used are:
Eyedropper Tool (Selects Colour from Image e.g. Skin one)
Lasso Tool ( Used to go around the outlines of the Image)
Quick Selection Tool (Used to Smooth the edges after using the Lasso Tool)
Crop Tool ( Used to crop the Image)
Eraser Tool (Used to Erase parts of image which were unwanted)
Pencil Tool (Used to draw the Facial Features, Eyes, Mouth Nose)
Paint Bucket Tool (Used to fill in a selection of space)
During this lip sync project i have learnt many new and exiting skills which has furthered my knowledge of using Final Cut. Some of these skills will hopefully be useful in con
Drops of Jupiter, by californian rock band Train, is a single from train's second album (Drops of Jupiter), the song was successful and reached 3rd place on the U.S singles chart and 10th on the U.K singles chart. The accompanying video features members of the band playing the song inside of a church whilst a crowd gathers.
In the video when an instrument is heard it can also be seen on screen such as when violens can be seen and heard at the same time. The video does not contain a narrative storyline as it only features the members of the band performing. The video focuses heavily on the lead vocalist, Pat Monahan, with a variety of differing shots, this is also known as the MEAT of the video. The video is relatively fast paced which also mirrors the pace of the song, and many different camera shots are used which show the band members, the audience and also the setting.
A2 Brief
1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:
- a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);
- a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).